Tillamook Home Builder


Staining pine doors

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Isn’t this pine door gorgeous? It sure was fun getting to stain it while the sun was out. This has been a beautiful project to get to work on here at The Shorewood Lodge.

Cedar shingles at Shorewood Lodge

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The Cedar shingles are up and the trim is finished. Looking awesome!

Tongue and Groove siding at Shorewood Lodge

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Check out this beautiful tongue and groove Pine siding, covered in a nice lacquer at the Shorewood Lodge.

tillamook jlt construction camp magruder pine tongue and groove

Pine Tongue and Groove at Camp Magruder!

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Chuck and Bill are hard at work finishing the pine tongue and groove in the Shorewood Lodge!

oregon construction tillamook

Ladders Galore!

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Have you ever see so many ladders in one photo?! The guys are hard at work on the lodge – we’re getting excited to see it finished!

oregon coast window installation construction tillamook

Window Installation Camp Magruder Oregon Coast

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We installed all of the windows in the lodge at Camp Magruder! Now we are working on finishing the cedar shingles on the upper half of the lodge.

tillamook oregon construction

Cedar Shingles Camp Magruder Project

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We’ve come a long way on the  Camp Magruder lodge project – The cedar shingles are almost completed!

oregon coast construction camp magruder tillamook rockaway beach

Progress at Camp Magruder!

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Things are moving along nicely with the construction of the lodge at  Camp Magruder.

The roof is fully sheeted and the walls are framed upstairs and down.

construction oregon coast rockaway garibaldi camp magruder roofing

Camp Magruder Roofing

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Here’s a shot of us getting the roofing on at Camp Magruder!

It looks like it was just in time now that the rain is back.

camp magruder oregon coast tillamook rockaway beach construction jlt

Camp Magruder Progress on Oregon Coast

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Things are coming along nicely over here at Camp Magruder!
We are just finishing up the framing of the first story walls of the lodge and placed one of the biggest GluLam beams we have ever ordered! Windows and trusses should be going in soon!