Tillamook Home Builder


Garibaldi Custom Home Builder Siding Painting

Fresh Coat of Paint on Kim House

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A fresh coat of paint on the Kim house and it’s getting easier to envision the final look and feel of this project.

Siding Young House Custom Home Garibaldi

Custom Home Siding Installed

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The siding on the front the Young house is complete and ready to paint.

Garibaldi Apartments – Painting

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Getting a feel for the final look of building #1 after applying the first coat of paint on the siding and trim.

Garibaldi Apartments – Siding

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Exterior construction nears completion on the Garibaldi Apartments Building #1 as the siding goes up!

Miami-Foley Shop Project

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The crew is wrapping up the final touches on the Miami-Foley shop project before it is prepped for paint!

Parkside Cafe Exterior

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The Brickwork on the Garibaldi restaurant is done, and beautiful new windows have been put in. The restaurant updates so far are looking great!

Garibaldi Village Apartments – Fresh Paint

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With the beautiful weather, we’ve been able to make a lot of progress the last few days. The exterior is complete for buildings #2 and #3.

JLT Construction adds layers of siding to this new home!

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Allen applies caulking to new layers of siding which cover waterproofing on this new home in Garibaldi. JLT Construction takes care to be sure our coastal weather doesn’t compromise your home.

Industrial mixes with upscale beach cottage!

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Toby installs corrugated metal on the exterior of this entry that JLT Construction is renovating. A touch of industrial mixed with upscale beach cottage is the flavor of this Rockaway Beach home!

Checking the siding alignment one more time!

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Bill checks the siding alignment one more time to be sure everything lines up accurately.
JLT Construction takes pride in the work they do and it shows.