Tillamook Home Builder


Laying floors

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Toby laying the floor molding in the bathroom! Getting close to finished!

Bunk beds are complete!

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The bunk beds are finished! Don’t they look fantastic? The mattresses are on their way here – how exciting!

Bunk bed built-ins!

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Check out these awesome built-ins we just finished for the bunk beds here at The Shorewood Lodge. Now they’re complete for some late night reading!

Beautiful bunk railings

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The bunk railings are done and waiting to be installed! By letting the natural wood be the work of art, each one is completely unique – adding to the charm here at Camp Magruder.

Bunk beds are in!

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Bunk beds are in here at the Shorewood Lodge! Take a look at that beautiful woodwork. Fewer things are more beautiful than natural wood, don’t you think?


Cedar shingles at Shorewood Lodge

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The Cedar shingles are up and the trim is finished. Looking awesome!

Tongue and Groove siding at Shorewood Lodge

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Check out this beautiful tongue and groove Pine siding, covered in a nice lacquer at the Shorewood Lodge.

oregon coast subfloor sub floor underlayment construction tillamook jlt

Subfloors going in!

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Brian and Ken are busy laying the subfloor upstairs – almost ready for the underlayment!

oregon coast construction tillamook dry wall

Finishing Dry Wall!

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Just finishing up a few details on the dry wall here at the Shorewood lodge! Who else thinks those stilts look really fun?!

jlt construction oregon coast tillamook

Sherlock Lodge at Camp Magruder

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Here is a shot of JLT Construction’s renovation and remodeling of the Sherlock Lodge. This complete remodeling includes new windows and flooring all while maintaining the original layout of the lodge. Complete with efficient cadet wall heaters, insulation and lighting, the Sherlock Lodge’s original beauty has been restored.