Tillamook Home Builder

Author Archives: TillamookDesign

Garibaldi Spec Home – Sheetrock

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The windows are in and we’re wrapping up the sheet rock! Garibaldi Spec home #3 is almost complete!

Nehalem Custom Home

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The Nehalem custom home is really progressing nicely! Excellent weather conditions have been a huge help in getting this project buttoned up. Next week we’re installing windows!

Old KFC building demolition

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It’s official; We’ve begun the demolition of the old KFC building!

Miami-Foley Shop Project

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The crew is wrapping up the final touches on the Miami-Foley shop project before it is prepped for paint!

Garibaldi Spec Home Complete

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The Garibaldi spec home is complete and we’ve already begun construction on our third home. Stay tuned for updates!

Beautiful Landscaping

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The landscaping on the new spec home includes the addition of boulders for edging and river rock for the beds. Simple, yet looks fantastic.

Freshly Grass Seed

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There’s nothing quite like the appearance of freshly seeded grass as is starts to poke through the ground to create a lively landscape that will be enjoyed for years to come. This spec home is very close to completion.

Garibaldi Spec House Landscaping

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We’re doing some landscaping work on the outside of this spec home. The river rock is a nice touch.

Parkside Cafe Bar

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Here is the finished bar at the Parkside cafe in Garibaldi. Everybody’s hard work came together quite nicely.

Parkside Cafe Restaurant

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The tables are here and setup in the dining room, this place is really starting to look like a Restaurant!