Tillamook Home Builder

Author Archives: TillamookDesign

Completed Foundation

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The foundation is complete on this new home construction in Rockaway Beach. A lot of work goes into a foundation and it’s important that it’s done right. At JLT we build top quality houses that are built to last and it all starts with a solid foundation.

Bathroom Construction

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No home is complete without a spacious and well-equipped bathroom. Lucky for us, the walk in shower is ready to go! Along with this news, the new bathtub has just been installed too!

Making Progress in Nedonna Beach

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Check out the progress on this beautiful custom home in Nedonna Beach. The roof has just been completed and it looks fantastic. We only use top of the line materials and quality workmanship. A home built by JLT is a home that’s built to last.

Air Ducts

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Here at the construction site, the air ducts have been installed at last. Hopefully, we’ll be sheet rocking the house in no time! Stay tuned for more updates!

Backside View

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What a beauty! Here’s a view from the backside. You can already tell from the picture, this custom Nedonna Beach home is going to be a much-loved retreat for the homeowner.

A Sneak Peek View

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Now that the second story is up, here’s a sneak peek from an upstairs window. This is what the homeowner will get to enjoy every day – a peaceful Nedonna Beach view.

Making Headway on the Second Story

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We’ve started framing the second story and we must admit, the view is amazing. To top it all off, the weather has been absolutely gorgeous in Nedonna Beach for the last couple of weeks, providing us with a working environment we certainly can’t complain about.

Snap Shot With the Home Owner!

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It’s days like this that make working on the coast so amazing!
Pictured from left to right: Emily (Homeowner), Chuck, Ken, Toby & Bill

Working in the Rain

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The ground floor frame work is nearly complete. It won’t be long now before this home really starts to take shape. You’ll notice our crew is wearing their trusty rain gear – we never let a little rain slow us down.

The Bones of a New Home

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And, so it begins! The framing is well underway and before you know it, the skeleton of this house will be complete. Our highly skilled crew has been doing this a long time – we know how important each process is. You won’t find a team more focused and precise in their construction than ours!