Tillamook Home Builder

Archives: September 2015

Garibaldi Village Apartments

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Things are progressing so quick here at the Garibaldi apartment project that they are already renting units! If your interested in one, check outgaribaldivillageapartments.com

Building 3 Foundation

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Things are progressing really nicely at building three! We’re now working on preparing the foundation for the property.

Chuck and Crew

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Chuck and his crew are starting to work on framing the second story of building one. It looks like this apartment project will be finished in no time!

Garibaldi Apartments – Building 1

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Building one is framed and sheeted! It’s safe to say that the property is coming along very nicely.

Garibaldi Village Apartments – Utilities

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We’re currently working on trenching for utilities for at the Garibaldi apartment property!