Tillamook Home Builder

Archives: April 2014

Custom stall doors

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The bathroom is complete with hand-made custom stall doors. We’ve specially designed each door in  each building here at Camp Magruder so each one is unique.

Gorgeous details

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Isn’t this ladder and crawl space neat? It’s been so much fun working on this project and watching as it all comes together so beautifully.

“Green” flooring

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These floors we just installed at The Shorewood Lodge are made from #recycled PVC materials. Not only are they great for the environment, they’re great for durability and won’t need to be replaced as often as other types of flooring.

Custom bathroom dividers

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We’re all done in the restrooms! Check out the custom urinal dividers we made to match the theme of the rest of the lodge.

Laying floors

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Toby laying the floor molding in the bathroom! Getting close to finished!

Bunk beds are complete!

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The bunk beds are finished! Don’t they look fantastic? The mattresses are on their way here – how exciting!

Bunk bed built-ins!

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Check out these awesome built-ins we just finished for the bunk beds here at The Shorewood Lodge. Now they’re complete for some late night reading!

Beautiful bunk railings

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The bunk railings are done and waiting to be installed! By letting the natural wood be the work of art, each one is completely unique – adding to the charm here at Camp Magruder.

Staining pine doors

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Isn’t this pine door gorgeous? It sure was fun getting to stain it while the sun was out. This has been a beautiful project to get to work on here at The Shorewood Lodge.

Bunk beds are in!

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Bunk beds are in here at the Shorewood Lodge! Take a look at that beautiful woodwork. Fewer things are more beautiful than natural wood, don’t you think?