Tillamook Home Builder

Archives: January 2014

oregon coast construction camp magruder tillamook rockaway beach

Progress at Camp Magruder!

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Things are moving along nicely with the construction of the lodge at  Camp Magruder.

The roof is fully sheeted and the walls are framed upstairs and down.

construction oregon coast rockaway garibaldi camp magruder roofing

Camp Magruder Roofing

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Here’s a shot of us getting the roofing on at Camp Magruder!

It looks like it was just in time now that the rain is back.

camp magruder oregon construction tillamook

Heading to the site at Camp Magruder

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We’re loving this shot of Bill heading up to the construction site at ‪ Camp Magruder‬ !

Hoping the sun comes back out here soon!

Camp Magruder Update on Oregon Coast

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We’re fully framed and the cement floors are in!
Things are looking great here at  Camp Magruder – keep checking in for updates on this project!

camp magruder oregon coast tillamook rockaway beach construction jlt

Camp Magruder Progress on Oregon Coast

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Things are coming along nicely over here at Camp Magruder!
We are just finishing up the framing of the first story walls of the lodge and placed one of the biggest GluLam beams we have ever ordered! Windows and trusses should be going in soon!

garibaldi oregon construction crew tillamook

Construction Crew in Garibaldi Oregon!

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We are so lucky to have such an amazing and hard working crew with us over here at JLT Construction!

If you have a project you need done, give us a call! We’d love to help make it a reality!

construction oregon coast garibaldi tillamook

View on Oregon Coast in Garibaldi

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We’re so lucky to work in such a gorgeous location out here in Garibaldi!

Tillamook Garibaldi Oregon Car Wash Construction

Port of Garibaldi Car Wash

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We’re getting close to finishing the car wash over here at the Port of Garibaldi!

Did you know that the car wash will offer a marine engine flush which helps keep invasive species at bay?